Safe, proven, effective, alternative-medicine natural cures and homeopathic remedies.
Welcome to Amazing Natural Remedies. . . So, what does that mean? Well, the title says it all:
AMAZING because the remedies and cures you'll discover here are truly astonishing and surprising in their simplicity, effectiveness, and cost.
NATURAL because every natural prescription or remedy listed here is a safe, proven, effective, natural alternative to harmful, toxic, lab-created drugs or invasive, costly surgery. And. . .
REMEDIES, because as Webster defines the word, it "corrects a wrong". These herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies correct a wrong with your health issues. They don't simply mask your symptoms or resolve one problem, yet create five worse ones through dangerous side-effects.
You'll find safe, proven, effective, inexpensive, alternative-medicine natural cures, and herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies that WORK on even your most perplexing health problems. Still skeptical? Then just "Click Here!" on any of the sidebars and listen to the hundreds of testimonials from satisfied, pain-and-disease-free clients. . .
About Me
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Chiropractic vs. Drugs and Surgery
1. Chiropractic patients spent only 31% of the national average for health care
2. They had 50% less medical provider visits
3. Their health habits were radically better than overall populations
4. They had far less cigarette consumption.
5. 98.5% believed that care to be considerably or extremely valuable
Chiropractic/wellness patients had:
1. 60.2% fewer hospital admissions
2. 59% less days hospitalized
3. 62% less outpatient surgeries
4. 85% less pharmaceutical costs
Can any practitioners of the typical, modern, medical-mentality model boast the same results in their patients?
Source: Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics (JMPT)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Effects, Not Side Effects. . .
First, they portray someone's specific, critical health issue (near heart attack, depression, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, acid reflux or heartburn, incontinence,etc.) and its horrible effect on their life. Next follows the glowing testimonial (paid actors of course) introducing the "wonder drug" that eradicated the debilitating condition and miraculously transformed their life and health almost overnight. With their crippling condition gone, now you watch them smiling,laughing, playing with their chidren or grandchildren and effusing radiant health and vitalilty.
Then the clincher: "_________ may not be for everyone, SIDE EFFECTS include..." And what follows is a horrible, monstrous, unbelievable littany of DANGEROUS EFFECTS (not merely side effects) the drug produces, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, blurred vision, blindness, paralysis, thoughts of suicide, and in rare cases, death. Those are not harmless side effects, like they want you to believe. Those are frightening DIRECT EFFECTS from taking these drugs!
"Our drug is amazingly effective in treating depression; you'll notice an immediate change; btw, just a little side-note: 1 in 10 people who take the drug have persistent thoughts of suicide, several of those end up hanging themselves from their ceiling fans (but they're smiling when they step off the chair), and a few even gun down their classmates or fellow workers or grandparents."
It's insane--the side effects are WORSE than the condition the drug allegedly alleviates! And my all-time favorite warning: "Do not take this drug if you're pregnant or nursing or planning to become pregant" Say WHAT? Tell me (if these ads haven't completely erased your logic): If these drugs are dangerous and life-threatening to a mother or her baby while she is pregnant or nursing, what makes them healthy and safe when she is not pregnant or nursing? You don't need a medical degree from Johns Hopkins to answer that question.
And then the icing on the cake: "Ask your doctor if _____________ is right for you." Honestly, with those terrible side-effects, do any of those drugs sound right for you?
My advice? Don't play Russian Roulette with your body and its delicate bio-chemical balance. These miracle drugs are nothing more than dangerous, toxic, synthetic chemicals created in a lab, rubber-stamped by the worthless FDA and falsely endorsed by billions of dollars of Big Pharma advertising.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Medical Facts or Opinions?
1. Bloodletting was once proven to cure most illnesses. Now it is considered totally ineffective.
2. Margarine was considered much healthier than butter. Now research suggests the exact opposite is true.
3. Eggs were considered very bad because of high cholesterol. Now reserach suggests they are not bad for the body, but actually healthy for you.
4. Choclate and oily foods were touted to be a cause of acne. Now research suggests they do not contribute in any way to acne.
5. Medical doctors touted that baby formula was much better than breast milk for children. Now the exact opposite is known to be true.
6. Medical science once had scientific evidemce that the removing of tonsils and appendix improved health and should be done to virtually everyone. Now the medical community has reversed that theory.
So what does this prove? That M.D. does not stand for "Medical Deity". Sadly, many consumers look at doctors as gods. Whatever they say is taken as absolutely true. No one else has any credibility on health, illness or disease. But sadly, medical doctors are trained to only do 2 things--prescribe drugs or perform surgery.
So the moral of my little story? There are virtually no medical facts. There are only medical opinions. And you need to choose the opinion that makes the best sense for you. . .
(excerpts taken fron "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Health IQ Aptitude Test
1. I want to live a ______________ life.
a. long
b. short
2. As I grow older, I want to experience, as much as possible, a physical state of
a. health and vitality
b. sickness and debilitating disease
3. I want to leave behind to my wife and children an inheritance
and legacy consisting of _______________.
a. wealth and prosperity
b. debt and poverty
4. After working all of my life in my career, I want to spend
my hard-earned savings on ________________.
a. retirement, travel, vacations, and my grandkids
b. drugs, surgery, health insurance, doctor's office visits, and hospital bills
5. My optimal, overall health goal is to be ___________________.
a. energetic, reasonably fit and trim and through diet,exercise
and supplementation, avoid being a cancer or heart disease statistic
b. lethargic, 50 or more pounds overweight, and because of my poor diet, lack of exercise and high blood pressure, a leading candidate for cancer and heart disease
Well, how did you score? It's kind of a no-brainer, right? Yet, if you look at the average health of the majority of Americans and their health-care and lifestyle choices, it makes you wonder what our goal really is. I mean all of us, presumably...
want to live long, healthy, financially secure, and fulfilling lives,
don't we?
Well, here's the $1,000,000 question then:
IF we all want the same thing, and have the same universal goal--LONGEVITY, SECURITY, GOOD HEALTH--why do so few of us truly obtain or experience it?
Have you ever thought, based on adherence to the traditional medical model mentality, and the health outcomes of that allegience over the past 50 years, that maybe, just possibly, there is a better approach and methodology that yields far greater results. Just a thought. . .
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Counting Sheep Doesn't Work--Like to Know What Does?
And be honest--besides dangerous, addicting drugs, with harmful or unpleasant side effects--have you come across a long-term safe, natural solution? Well, I have and it's not rocket science or a magic pill. It's a safe, effective, natural remedy that is restoring a good night's sleep to thousands of insomnia sufferers.
So if you're ready to shoot those imaginary sheep and toss out your dangerous drugs for a much better and healthier solution to your sleeplessness, then just Click Here! to learn about SleepTracks Sleep Optimizaton Program and the 7 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Sleep.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Want To Know About a Natural 400% Immunity Boost?
Well, do you realize that your brain and spinal cord run, coordinate, control, harmonize and govern every aspect of your health and existence? God put the most amazing healing power in the brain and spinal cord. This power is what runs your body and heals your body. Without a proper functioning nerve system you CANNOT be well, because the brain must be able to communicate with the body, and its organs through the spinal cord.
And in clinical trial studies, getting a chiropractic adjustment has been shown to possibly boost immunity up to 400%. And a tremendous amount of research has shown that Chiropractic is extremely safe and effective for recovering and more importantly preventing sickness and disease.
Dr. Ronald Pero of New York University studied the immune systems of cancer patients, non-cancer patients, and non-cancer patients that had been under Chiropractic care for 5 years or more. The non-cancer patients had immune systems that were 200% stronger than the cancer patients. The Chiropractic patients had immune systems that were 200% stronger than the non-cancer patients and 400% stronger than the cancer patients.
Chiropractic research on HIV positive patients revealed that those who received Chiropractic care showed a 48% increase in CD4 immune system white blood cells compared to those that did not receive Chiropractic care.
So don't wait for some colorful pill spouting bogus claims of boosting your immune system. Just start getting chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis. . .
(portions reprinted from YFCC newsletter)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Microwave Popcorn Toxicity Study
At issue is that commercial popcorn companies often coat their microwave popcorn bags with a cehmical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which has been found to cause both cancer and lung disease in laboratory animals. Making matters worse, the butter substitute that generally accompanies microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical called diacetyl.,a common food-flavoring agent that, according to health scientists, is responsible for bronchiolitis obliterans, a serious, debilitating lung disease.
For an easy and fun healthy alternative, nutritionists suggest that we pop our own popcorn. All that's needed is a large, high pot, about four tablespoons of peanut or canola oil (or better yet, coconut oil) and a small handful of organic popcorn kernels. When the kernels start popping, shake the pot to let the steam escape and to let the unpopped kernels fall to the bottom. As soon as the popping slows down, remove the pot from the stove, pour the popcorn into a bowl, season with a small amount of real butter or olive oil and natural sea salt or brewer's yeast to taste, et voila, happy eating.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Curing PMS (Pre-Monster-al Symptoms) Naturally...
I do have my female sources though. And what THEY tell me is fascinating. For instance, normally if you had a condition with all the following symptoms, you'd be worried you were suffering from a serious or even fatal disease:
--abdominal pain
--joint pain
--muscle pain
--onset or worsening of acne
--excess water tenderness
--weight gain
--cravings for sugar an alcohol
--panic attacks
--decreased libido
--lack of sex drive
Yet all these symptoms can occur simply from a woman about to get her period! For the majority of women who suffer PMS, the condition typically sets in between seven and fourteen days before the beginning of their period, although for many women who suffer severe PMS, the condition can become one that is almost permanent, with symptoms being present before, during and after menstruation.
This physical disruption is very distressing. Some females who experience it only have mild symptoms but others are simply overwhelmed by anxiety, pain and mood swings.
Instead of harmful drugs with dangerous side-effects, wouldn't you like to know about a positive, pro-active solution to curing Pre-Menstrual Tension naturally, so you can master the symptoms listed above, once and for all? Was that a desperate "YES" I just heard. Then just Click on the PMS Banner Ad in the sidebar to your left (Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally) and start your journey to PMS Tension freedom...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Take Your Own Health Survey
How about the friends, co-workers, and acquaintances in your sphere of influence--would you say their general health is increasing or decreasing? Improving or worsening? Healthier this year than last year?
How about all the overweight people you know on diets? Have they been yo-yo dieting for 5 years with no significant results or improvement? Know anyone who's died of cancer in the past year? If I gave you a minute, I bet you could name four or five.
And not to make you squirm, but what's your story? What's your health history over the last few years? Is your health "burning brightly" or "flickering and diminishing rapidly?" Have you reached the health goals you've set for yourself or are they fading quickly from your grasp?
Are you aware that in spite of the billions of dollars spent on heatlh care each year (most of that for drugs and surgery), and the billions spent on research to allegedly find cures for cancer and other debilitating diseases, the U.S. ranks 22nd in health outcomes in the world, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) statistics? We spend more per captita on health care each year, yet we are some of the most unhealthy people on the planet? See anything wrong with that picture?
It doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see that our current health care system is seriously broken. That's why herbal remedies, home remedies, homeopathic remedies, and natural cures and solutions are gaining such popularity today. So if any of the diseases or conditions listed in the sidebars apply to you, just Click Here on any of them, and find out for yourself the best alternative-medicine cures and solutions available. . .
Monday, August 16, 2010
Share Your Home Remedies. . .
When I was growing up, some of the fondest memories I had were visiting my grandparents in Pittsboro, Mississippi. Bryant and Ruth Flanagan (Mama Ruth and Grandaddy to us) lived on a cotton and soybean farm on about 50 acres. They had a huge garden with just about every variety of vegetable, several dairy cows, two mules, and a chicken coop with a few dozen chickens and two mean roosters. (The meanest one chased my cousin Jeffrey one day, and scared him so bad, it pushed Mama Ruth's Terminator Button, and she decapitated the rooster in the garage with a hatchet.) But that's a whole 'nother story...
So one visit, my older brother Ed and I were playing in the haystack in the barn, and I got stung on the arm by a couple of wasps. Grandaddy saw me crying, got off his John Deere and went over to his '58 Chevy Pickup. He grabbed his pouch of Red Man chewing tobacco off the dash, placed a wad in his mouth, chewed on it for a minute, then removed it and pasted it over the stings. Miraculously, in just a couple of minutes, the sting lessened and the swelling even went down. So there you have it--a safe, proven effective home remedy for bee and wasp stings! (And everyone has a pouch of Red Man around the house, right?)
So send in your story and you too could be a famous published author...
Friday, August 13, 2010
The "Back To Eden" Test
"The closer a food is to its original, natural state, the more nutritious and healthy that food is."
Conversely, the more that food item has been changed and altered and handled from its original state, the less healthy it is for you. If anything is added to or taken away from the original, watch out. For instance, a fresh, organic avocado is much healthier and nutritious than a procesessed, packaged guacamole dip. A fresh, ripe apple has little resemblence to Apple Jacks or a McDonald's Apple Pie.
Also, if the list of ingredients in a product is longer than your arm and you can't even pronounce 90% of them (things like Thiamin Mononitrate, Termeric Oleoresin, Monoglycerides, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate) trust me, it ain't healthy, dear.
God created this earth with plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables in their natural state to be the perfect fuel for our bodies. The Garden of Eden was a Health Food Superstore and provided every nutrient necessary for unlimited health. And the further any food is removed from that original, unprocessed, unadulterated state, the less healthy it is for you. Make sense?
A great start to eating healthy (and dropping some weight) is to first cleanse your body of toxins and impacted matter in the colon, so that nutrients can be better absorbed and assimilated. Click Here for a great cleansing program, The Master Cleanse 10-Day Diet, or for another option, try the Ultimate Colon Cleanse Click Here.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"We Fought Cancer and Cancer Won"
Don't you find it interesting that we know more about cancer than we have ever known, yet more people die from it than ever before? We are always FIGHTING CANCER. Wouldn't it make more sense to PREVENT cancer in the first place? In 2008, we had the "Stand Up To Cancer" movement in which celebrities, music artists and TV networks all banded together to say, "We keep waiting for someone to defeat cancer. We are not waiting anymore." Recently, we've been inundated with pink ribbons on everyting from A to Z and pleas to support the cure. A worthy movement, as far as the intent, but it's just repeating the same failed strategy of the past 39 years, since the war on cancer was declared.
The failed strategy? Get some big names, raise a TON OF MONEY, and then give it to the "all-knowing" scientists to do "research". And the "recipe" for research is the same--genetics and drugs. That recipe has failed miserably, especially when you look at the track record of many drugs that actually cause cancer!
So what's the solution. Simple. PREVENTION. We have to stop CAUSING cancer, and then we will not have to FIGHT IT. It can be prevented simply through diet and lifestye changes. By eliminating toxins and eating healthy foods and supplements, and engaging in regular, appropriate exercise, studies show cancer can be prevented between 50-98% of the time. Combined with the enormous research on chiropractic's immune boosting ability and cancer will have brought a knife to a gun fight. For more cancer solutions, Click Here! (Portions reprinted from an article by Dr. Dan Yachter)
Monday, August 9, 2010
CANCER: America's $200 Billion Cash Cow (Part 2)
CANCER LIE #3: Big Pharma wants you to believe hook, line, and sinker that their so-called cancer "cures" work.
The truth: They "cook the books" to prove the effectiveness of their cancer tratments. For instance, if you or a loved one has breast cancer, doctors may recommend the drug Tamoxifen. You'll likely hear that it reduces the chances of breast cancer recurring by 49 percent. Sounds pretty impressive, right? But the truth is, based on absolute numbers, Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer returning by only 1.6 percent--30 times less than advertised. "Relative" numbers are used because they can be manipulated in many ways. Relative to what? It could be to a previous test or some other obscure number. Don't be fooled by "relative" numbers. Get the real facts, like this one: A 14-year study by two oncologists in Australia reported in the film "A Shocking Look at Cancer Studies" reveals that treatment for all of our major cancers is totally ineffective! Way below a 10% success rate!
CANCER LIE #4: Cancer drugs are your BEST BET to beat this dreaded disease.
The truth: Drug companies pay oncologists big "kickbacks" to promote high-priced, but ineffective cancer drugs. Do you know how most oncologists make money? Not by treating patients, but by selling cancer drugs. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, as much as 75% of an average oncologists earnings comes from selling chemotherapy drugs in his/her office. And at a substantial mark-up!
Americans pay the highest amount for prescription drugs in the world. Big Pharma will say it's due to research and development, but the U.S. drug industry spent $33.5 billion in 2004 alone promoting its drugs. A former drug rep from Eli Lily testified before Congress saying, "Pharmaceutical companies hire former cheerleaders and ex-models to wine and dine doctors, exaggerate drug benefits and underplay side effects."
For a safer, healthy, non-toxic solution or remedy for cancer, Click Here!
(Excerpts above taken from The Forbidden Truth About Cancer booklet ad)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
CANCER: America's $200 Billion Cash Cow. . .
CANCER LIE #1: Chemotherapy is a MUST if you have cancer.
The Truth: Up to 80% of oncologists would REFUSE chemotherapy if they had cancer. Why? Because they know it's extremely ineffective and extremely toxic. Yet shockingly, 75% of cancer patients are directed to receive chemotherapy.
The Facts: A rigorous review of chemotherapy reveals it FAILS for 98% of people. And when chemotherapy was tested against no treatment, no treatment proved better! What's more, only 2-4% of cancers respond well to chemotherapy.
CANCER LIE #2: Every woman over age 40 should have a mammogram.
The Truth: Mammograms actually do more damage than good, and actually HARM 10 WOMEN for every one it helps. The $4 billon-a-year mammogram industry urges women to rely on x-ray tests to protect their health. But what they don't tell you is mammograms are really an unnecessary and even harmful treatment. A new study by researchers from the Nordic Cochraine Center in Denmark reviewed the benefits and negative effects of 7 breast cancer screening programs on 500,000 women. The results were shocking: For every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only one would have her life prolonged, but 10 would be harmed. Mammograms can actually INCREASE a woman's risk of developing cancer by as much as 3% per year by irradiating the breast cells and triggering breast cancer.
(To be continued)
If you're interested in a non-toxic, healthy drug-and-surgery-free cancer treatment plan, Click Here!
(Excerpts above taken from "The Forbidden Truth About Cancer" booklet ad.)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
1,200 Prescription Drugs That Could Kill You...
"12 Supplements That Could Hurt You..." It then went on to say: "Consumer Reports identifies a dozen ingredients in common supplements that everyone should avoid". And amazingly, it was one of the lead stories on ABC's nightly news. Wow. So tell me, when is the last time you heard of someone getting deathly ill or dying from the usage of a natural supplement? And, are you aware that prescription drugs, when taken as directed, kill over 100,000 and injure over 2 million people per year?
The story then goes on to say:
"What consumers might not realize, though, is that supplement manufacturers routinely, and legally, sell their products without first having to demonstrate that they are safe and effective."
You've got to be kidding--do you know how many hundreds of dangerous, toxic, prescription drugs have been unleashed by the FDA on the American public with very limited testing as to their safety or effectiveness? Or the number of people who have died as a result of taking these unsafe, unproven drugs? And that the FDA only pulled them from circulation after thousands of people, serving as Big Pharma guinea pigs, had died?
For instance, the common diabetic drug Avendia has been found to increase risks of heart attack and heart death between 40% and 70% in recent reports. But do you hear the warnings on that in the news?
The twelve "dangerous" supplements it lists are as follows:
"The dozen are aconite, bitter orange, chaparral, colloidal silver, coltsfoot, comfrey, country mallow, germanium, greater celandine, kava, lobelia, and yohimbe".
I'm not going to debate the validity of their claims here. I just want to ask you a question: What percentage of natural supplements cause dangerous or adverse reactions as opposed to the percentage of prescriptions drugs that cause dangerous and adverse reactions? Do you ever see natural supplement ads in print or on TV with a list of dangerous side-effects as long as your arm?
I think, when taken in perspective, the irony of these claims is absurd. If the FDA so concerned about our health, they should release a study entitled, "1,200 Prescription Drugs That Could Kill You"...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunscreen Myths Exposed...
The sun actually provides the most significant source of natural Vitamin D for humans, and ultraviolet rays from the sun trigger Vitamin D production in your skin. Sunblock and suncreen directly promote Vitamin D deficiency by blocking the body's absorption of ultraviolet radiation. Further, the toxic chemical ingredients used in most sunscreen products are actually carcinogenic (cancer causing) and have never been safely tested or approved by the FDA. The main ingredient in 90% of commercial sunscreens, octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC), was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses in a study by Norwegian scientists.
And new research from the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska reveals that supplementing with Vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by an astonishing 77 percent! Adequate levels of vitamin D are absolutely necessary to prevent up to 77 percent of all cancers including breast, colon, cervical, and lung cancer, brain tumors and multiple myeloma. Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, heart disease and obesity.
The reality is the benefits of suncreen are a myth, created by consumer product companies fabricating a need in order to make huge profits. The cancer industry also is directly involved in perpetuating the ridiculous notion that sunlight is harmful to humans. The sunscreen industry makes money by selling lotion products that actually contain cancer-causing chemicals. It then donates a portion of that money to the cancer industry through non-profit groups like The American Cancer Society, which, in turn, run heart-breaking public service ads urging people lto use sunscreen to "prevent cancer".
The real cause of sunburn is not merely UV exposure--it is a lack of antioxidant nutrition. Sunburn is actually caused by nutritional defeciencies that leave the skin vulnerable to DNA mutations from radiation, but if you boost your nutrition and protect your nervous system with plant-based nutrients, you'll be naturally resistant to sunburn. So what's the best plan of action to prevent sunburn? First, start eating lots of berries and microalgae (spirulina, blue-green algae, etc.) and you'll build up a natural, internal sunscreen that will protect your skin from sunburn from the inside out. Then take a high-quality vitamin supplement which includes Vitamins A, C, E and Selenium--the antioxidant vitamins. For a good source, CLICK HERE. Gradually gain exposure to the sun as you build up your base tan and cover up after moderate sun exposure to avoid overexposure. If you plan on being out in the sun for long periods, or inadvertatnly get sunburned, there are several natural sunscreen products and lotions available (CLICK HERE) that offer safe, natural alternatives and remedies.
(excerpts taken from an article by Dr. Isaac Hernandez)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Toxic Drugs vs. Natural Supplements
Could it be because nutritional supplements pose a threat to Big Pharma? Possibly. Imagine if everyone in America diligently took a wide range of nutritional supplements (for a great source, CLICK HERE) and adopted a healthy, natural lifestyle. With preventive health measures in place, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other conditions would dramatically decrease in incidence. Proportionally, Big Pharma's profits would plummet--because without sickness, drugs don't sell...
(excerpt from Energy Times, October 2007)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
100 Years Ago, Heart Disease Was Relatively Unknown. . .
Now, heart disease is the #1 disease killer, accounting for 50% of all deaths. Did you know:
- 1.5 million Americans have heart attacks every year--500,000 of them die
- Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer
- 1 out of 2 children today will develop heart disease
The side effects of blood pressure/hypertension medications include:
- shortness of breath
- dizzyness
- flu-like symptoms
- arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
- severe depression
- disorientation
- memory loss
- liver failure
And newly published research shows cholesterol medications have ZERO benefit in preventing heart disease or heart attack in patients without heart disease. Side effects of Lipitor include: muscle wasting, brain fog, early dimentia, and cancer. Zetia, one of the leading cholesterol medications on the market today, causes your arteries to clog twice as fast than if you were taking nothing at all...
If those statistics and facts scare you (and they should) and you want to learn exactly how to stop high blood pressure and eliminate your risk of a heart attack or stroke, in just a few short days, using a step-by-step natural home remedy, with no worry, no wasted money, no pain and no harmful drugs, just CLICK HERE.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
America--A Pill For Every Ill
More than half (51%) of all insured Americans are taking 1 or more long-term prescription drugs DAILY for chronic conditions, including:
- 66% of women 20 and older (for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, depression)
- 52% of all adult men (for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, cancer)
- 25% of all kids and teenagers (for diabetes, depression, ADD)
- 75% of all seniors (65 and older), most of whom take 5 or more prescription drugs DAILY
The biggest jump in chronic use of medication was in the 20-44 year-old group--ADULTS IN THE PRIME OF LIFE--for depression, diabetes, asthma, ADD and seizures. Antidepressant prescriptions have skyrocketed for teens and working-age women.
As long as you continue to take drugs, not only do you not correct the cause of the problem, you create other problems--namely more chronic disease. If taking drugs was the answer, we'd be the healthiest country in the world. However, it's become quite obvious now, there is more sickness and disease than ever before in our history. And it isn't for a lack of drugs!
"So what's the answer, then!" you may be screaming. Very simple really. Safe, natural, proven, documented, scientifically-based AMAZING NATURAL REMEDIES that yield far better results without the dangerous side-effects and long-term damage of prescription drugs.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Is Your Health Improving?
- 64% of the U.S. population is overweight or obese.
- 15% of U.S. children are obese.
- As many as 5 out of 6 Americans will die from heart disease and cancer.
- The percentage of Americans dying of cancer today is the same as it was in 1970 and even 1950! Over $200 billion has been spent since 1971 trying to prevent and cure cancer, yet today you have a higher chance of getting cancer than ever before in history.
- Half (50%) of all personal bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses.
- More than 180,000 people die annually from the negative effects of legal drugs, and prescription drug use has become the third largest killer of Americans, behind heart disease and cancer.
- The average American has over 30 different prescription and nonprescription drugs in their medicine cabinet.
What does this tell us? It tells us that standard medical science is failing. More people are getting medical treatment, taking more drugs, having more diagnostic testing and having more surgeries than ever before in history. Yet more people are getting sick than ever before in history! Now, if you are in an emergency situation, such as an accident, drugs and surgery can save your life. However, drugs and surgery have failed at preventing illness and they do not address the cause of illness.
So what is the solution? The solution is actually quite simple--alternative medicine with amazing natural remedies and cures. Instead of more drugs and surgery, there are proven, scientific, natural alternative solutions or remedies for nearly every disease and medical condition. And don't be fooled--just because your doctor doesn't endorse the cures or remedies (and btw, M.D. does not stand for "Medical Deity") and they're not on the evening news, doesn't mean they aren't valid, safe, proven and effective. Just listen to the many testimonials. As my grandmother from Mississippi used to say, "The proof is in the pudding." And, unlike traditional medicine, the natural solution is neither complicated, nor expensive.
So, if your health is improving with your 12 prescription drugs, and you don't mind spending your life savings and retirement on expensive and ineffective medical treatments, then just ignore this information. But if you're wondering why your condition persists, your wallet keeps shrinking, and You know, this just doesn't feel like it's working, then it's time you looked into alternative medicine's natural cures and remedies. Your solution is only a "click" away.