Safe, proven, effective, alternative-medicine natural cures and homeopathic remedies.
Welcome to Amazing Natural Remedies. . . So, what does that mean? Well, the title says it all:
AMAZING because the remedies and cures you'll discover here are truly astonishing and surprising in their simplicity, effectiveness, and cost.
NATURAL because every natural prescription or remedy listed here is a safe, proven, effective, natural alternative to harmful, toxic, lab-created drugs or invasive, costly surgery. And. . .
REMEDIES, because as Webster defines the word, it "corrects a wrong". These herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies correct a wrong with your health issues. They don't simply mask your symptoms or resolve one problem, yet create five worse ones through dangerous side-effects.
You'll find safe, proven, effective, inexpensive, alternative-medicine natural cures, and herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies that WORK on even your most perplexing health problems. Still skeptical? Then just "Click Here!" on any of the sidebars and listen to the hundreds of testimonials from satisfied, pain-and-disease-free clients. . .
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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Health IQ Aptitude Test
1. I want to live a ______________ life.
a. long
b. short
2. As I grow older, I want to experience, as much as possible, a physical state of
a. health and vitality
b. sickness and debilitating disease
3. I want to leave behind to my wife and children an inheritance
and legacy consisting of _______________.
a. wealth and prosperity
b. debt and poverty
4. After working all of my life in my career, I want to spend
my hard-earned savings on ________________.
a. retirement, travel, vacations, and my grandkids
b. drugs, surgery, health insurance, doctor's office visits, and hospital bills
5. My optimal, overall health goal is to be ___________________.
a. energetic, reasonably fit and trim and through diet,exercise
and supplementation, avoid being a cancer or heart disease statistic
b. lethargic, 50 or more pounds overweight, and because of my poor diet, lack of exercise and high blood pressure, a leading candidate for cancer and heart disease
Well, how did you score? It's kind of a no-brainer, right? Yet, if you look at the average health of the majority of Americans and their health-care and lifestyle choices, it makes you wonder what our goal really is. I mean all of us, presumably...
want to live long, healthy, financially secure, and fulfilling lives,
don't we?
Well, here's the $1,000,000 question then:
IF we all want the same thing, and have the same universal goal--LONGEVITY, SECURITY, GOOD HEALTH--why do so few of us truly obtain or experience it?
Have you ever thought, based on adherence to the traditional medical model mentality, and the health outcomes of that allegience over the past 50 years, that maybe, just possibly, there is a better approach and methodology that yields far greater results. Just a thought. . .
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