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Welcome to Amazing Natural Remedies. . . So, what does that mean? Well, the title says it all:

AMAZING because the remedies and cures you'll discover here are truly astonishing and surprising in their simplicity, effectiveness, and cost.

NATURAL because every natural prescription or remedy listed here is a safe, proven, effective, natural alternative to harmful, toxic, lab-created drugs or invasive, costly surgery. And. . .

REMEDIES, because as Webster defines the word, it "corrects a wrong". These herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies correct a wrong with your health issues. They don't simply mask your symptoms or resolve one problem, yet create five worse ones through dangerous side-effects.

You'll find safe, proven, effective, inexpensive, alternative-medicine natural cures, and herbal, homeopathic, and home remedies that WORK on even your most perplexing health problems. Still skeptical? Then just "Click Here!" on any of the sidebars and listen to the hundreds of testimonials from satisfied, pain-and-disease-free clients. . .

Vita-Pal Discount Vitamin Warehouse

Friday, July 30, 2010

Toxic Drugs vs. Natural Supplements

Are you aware that prescription drugs, when taken as directed, are estimated to KILL over 100,000 and injure over 2 million people per year? Meanwhile, natural nutritional supplements and natural remedies, are, year after year, shown to be completely safe. While the FDA keeps nutritional supplements in its crosshairs, adverse events and deaths associated with synthetic drugs have tripled since 1998. Pharmaceutical dangers are getting worse and worse, and yet for some reason it is safe, natural supplements and natural cures and remedies that are consistently targeted and labeled as dangers. Why is that?

Could it be because nutritional supplements pose a threat to Big Pharma? Possibly. Imagine if everyone in America diligently took a wide range of nutritional supplements (for a great source, CLICK HERE) and adopted a healthy, natural lifestyle. With preventive health measures in place, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other conditions would dramatically decrease in incidence. Proportionally, Big Pharma's profits would plummet--because without sickness, drugs don't sell...

(excerpt from Energy Times, October 2007)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

100 Years Ago, Heart Disease Was Relatively Unknown. . .

Now, heart disease is the #1 disease killer, accounting for 50% of all deaths. Did you know:

  • 1.5 million Americans have heart attacks every year--500,000 of them die

  • Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer

  • 1 out of 2 children today will develop heart disease

The side effects of blood pressure/hypertension medications include:

  • shortness of breath

  • dizzyness

  • flu-like symptoms

  • arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)

  • severe depression

  • disorientation

  • memory loss

  • liver failure

And newly published research shows cholesterol medications have ZERO benefit in preventing heart disease or heart attack in patients without heart disease. Side effects of Lipitor include: muscle wasting, brain fog, early dimentia, and cancer. Zetia, one of the leading cholesterol medications on the market today, causes your arteries to clog twice as fast than if you were taking nothing at all...

If those statistics and facts scare you (and they should) and you want to learn exactly how to stop high blood pressure and eliminate your risk of a heart attack or stroke, in just a few short days, using a step-by-step natural home remedy, with no worry, no wasted money, no pain and no harmful drugs, just CLICK HERE.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

America--A Pill For Every Ill

The Miami Herald on Sunday, May 18, 2008, in the Science and Medicine section, reported the following Associated Press study:

More than half (51%) of all insured Americans are taking 1 or more long-term prescription drugs DAILY for chronic conditions, including:

  • 66% of women 20 and older (for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, depression)
  • 52% of all adult men (for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, cancer)
  • 25% of all kids and teenagers (for diabetes, depression, ADD)
  • 75% of all seniors (65 and older), most of whom take 5 or more prescription drugs DAILY

The biggest jump in chronic use of medication was in the 20-44 year-old group--ADULTS IN THE PRIME OF LIFE--for depression, diabetes, asthma, ADD and seizures. Antidepressant prescriptions have skyrocketed for teens and working-age women.

As long as you continue to take drugs, not only do you not correct the cause of the problem, you create other problems--namely more chronic disease. If taking drugs was the answer, we'd be the healthiest country in the world. However, it's become quite obvious now, there is more sickness and disease than ever before in our history. And it isn't for a lack of drugs!

"So what's the answer, then!" you may be screaming. Very simple really. Safe, natural, proven, documented, scientifically-based AMAZING NATURAL REMEDIES that yield far better results without the dangerous side-effects and long-term damage of prescription drugs.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is Your Health Improving?

Did you know that Americans spend over 15% of our Gross National Product (GNP) on health care? And yet, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, our health care outcomes rank only fifteenth among 25 industrialized nations worldwide. Consider these sobering statistics:

  • 64% of the U.S. population is overweight or obese.

  • 15% of U.S. children are obese.

  • As many as 5 out of 6 Americans will die from heart disease and cancer.

  • The percentage of Americans dying of cancer today is the same as it was in 1970 and even 1950! Over $200 billion has been spent since 1971 trying to prevent and cure cancer, yet today you have a higher chance of getting cancer than ever before in history.

  • Half (50%) of all personal bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses.

  • More than 180,000 people die annually from the negative effects of legal drugs, and prescription drug use has become the third largest killer of Americans, behind heart disease and cancer.

  • The average American has over 30 different prescription and nonprescription drugs in their medicine cabinet.

What does this tell us? It tells us that standard medical science is failing. More people are getting medical treatment, taking more drugs, having more diagnostic testing and having more surgeries than ever before in history. Yet more people are getting sick than ever before in history! Now, if you are in an emergency situation, such as an accident, drugs and surgery can save your life. However, drugs and surgery have failed at preventing illness and they do not address the cause of illness.

So what is the solution? The solution is actually quite simple--alternative medicine with amazing natural remedies and cures. Instead of more drugs and surgery, there are proven, scientific, natural alternative solutions or remedies for nearly every disease and medical condition. And don't be fooled--just because your doctor doesn't endorse the cures or remedies (and btw, M.D. does not stand for "Medical Deity") and they're not on the evening news, doesn't mean they aren't valid, safe, proven and effective. Just listen to the many testimonials. As my grandmother from Mississippi used to say, "The proof is in the pudding." And, unlike traditional medicine, the natural solution is neither complicated, nor expensive.

So, if your health is improving with your 12 prescription drugs, and you don't mind spending your life savings and retirement on expensive and ineffective medical treatments, then just ignore this information. But if you're wondering why your condition persists, your wallet keeps shrinking, and You know, this just doesn't feel like it's working, then it's time you looked into alternative medicine's natural cures and remedies. Your solution is only a "click" away.