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Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunscreen Myths Exposed...
The sun actually provides the most significant source of natural Vitamin D for humans, and ultraviolet rays from the sun trigger Vitamin D production in your skin. Sunblock and suncreen directly promote Vitamin D deficiency by blocking the body's absorption of ultraviolet radiation. Further, the toxic chemical ingredients used in most sunscreen products are actually carcinogenic (cancer causing) and have never been safely tested or approved by the FDA. The main ingredient in 90% of commercial sunscreens, octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC), was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses in a study by Norwegian scientists.
And new research from the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska reveals that supplementing with Vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by an astonishing 77 percent! Adequate levels of vitamin D are absolutely necessary to prevent up to 77 percent of all cancers including breast, colon, cervical, and lung cancer, brain tumors and multiple myeloma. Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, heart disease and obesity.
The reality is the benefits of suncreen are a myth, created by consumer product companies fabricating a need in order to make huge profits. The cancer industry also is directly involved in perpetuating the ridiculous notion that sunlight is harmful to humans. The sunscreen industry makes money by selling lotion products that actually contain cancer-causing chemicals. It then donates a portion of that money to the cancer industry through non-profit groups like The American Cancer Society, which, in turn, run heart-breaking public service ads urging people lto use sunscreen to "prevent cancer".
The real cause of sunburn is not merely UV exposure--it is a lack of antioxidant nutrition. Sunburn is actually caused by nutritional defeciencies that leave the skin vulnerable to DNA mutations from radiation, but if you boost your nutrition and protect your nervous system with plant-based nutrients, you'll be naturally resistant to sunburn. So what's the best plan of action to prevent sunburn? First, start eating lots of berries and microalgae (spirulina, blue-green algae, etc.) and you'll build up a natural, internal sunscreen that will protect your skin from sunburn from the inside out. Then take a high-quality vitamin supplement which includes Vitamins A, C, E and Selenium--the antioxidant vitamins. For a good source, CLICK HERE. Gradually gain exposure to the sun as you build up your base tan and cover up after moderate sun exposure to avoid overexposure. If you plan on being out in the sun for long periods, or inadvertatnly get sunburned, there are several natural sunscreen products and lotions available (CLICK HERE) that offer safe, natural alternatives and remedies.
(excerpts taken from an article by Dr. Isaac Hernandez)
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