Safe, proven, effective, alternative-medicine natural cures and homeopathic remedies.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
"We Fought Cancer and Cancer Won"
Don't you find it interesting that we know more about cancer than we have ever known, yet more people die from it than ever before? We are always FIGHTING CANCER. Wouldn't it make more sense to PREVENT cancer in the first place? In 2008, we had the "Stand Up To Cancer" movement in which celebrities, music artists and TV networks all banded together to say, "We keep waiting for someone to defeat cancer. We are not waiting anymore." Recently, we've been inundated with pink ribbons on everyting from A to Z and pleas to support the cure. A worthy movement, as far as the intent, but it's just repeating the same failed strategy of the past 39 years, since the war on cancer was declared.
The failed strategy? Get some big names, raise a TON OF MONEY, and then give it to the "all-knowing" scientists to do "research". And the "recipe" for research is the same--genetics and drugs. That recipe has failed miserably, especially when you look at the track record of many drugs that actually cause cancer!
So what's the solution. Simple. PREVENTION. We have to stop CAUSING cancer, and then we will not have to FIGHT IT. It can be prevented simply through diet and lifestye changes. By eliminating toxins and eating healthy foods and supplements, and engaging in regular, appropriate exercise, studies show cancer can be prevented between 50-98% of the time. Combined with the enormous research on chiropractic's immune boosting ability and cancer will have brought a knife to a gun fight. For more cancer solutions, Click Here! (Portions reprinted from an article by Dr. Dan Yachter)
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